Women’s Health Care

25. Screening for genital Chlamydia in last year in 16 - 24 year-old women

26. Women with bone density ever measured since age 65

Cancer Screening

27. Women 21 - 64 years without hysterectomies with Pap test in past 3 years

28. Women 50 - 74 years with Mammogram in past 2 years

29. Patients 50 - 75 years up to date for colorectal cancer screening


30. Patients ≥ 12 years with Tetanus vaccination in past 10 years

31. Patients ≥ 6 months with Influenza vaccination in past year

32. Patients ≥ 65 years with Pneumococcal vaccination ever

33. High Risk patients 18 - 64 years with Pneumococcal vaccination ever

34. Patients with liver disease with two Hepatitis A vaccinations ever

35. Patients 11 - 19 years with Meningococcal vaccination ever

36. Women 9 - 26 years old with three HPV vaccinations ever

37. Patients ≥ 60 years with Zoster (shingles) vaccination ever

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

38. Patients screened for depression in past 2 years

39. Patients with depression with current anti-depressant Rx

40. Patients screened for alcohol use in past 2 years

41. Patients with alcohol diagnosis or at-risk drinking with alcohol counseling in past year

42. Patients with alcohol diagnosis with current alcohol prescription

43. Patients ≥ 13 years screened for tobacco use in past 2 years

44. Current tobacco use patients with smoking intervention in past year

Respiratory Disease

45. Asthma patients ≥ 5 years with current controller Rx

46. Patients without antibiotic Rx within 3 days of Dx of URI/pharyngitis/bronchitis

47. Patients with sinusitis/strep pharyngitis/otitis media/COPD exacerbation prescribed antibiotics with narrow spectrum antibiotic Rx

Medication Safety

48. Avoiding potentially inappropriate medications in patients ≥ 65 years

49. Avoiding rarely appropriate medications in patients ≥ 65 years

50. Appropriate dosages of Benzodiazepines in patients ≥ 65 years

51. Appropriate dosages of H2 blockers in patients with CrCl < 50 ml/min

52. Avoid Rx of anticholinergic in patients with Dx of dementia

53. Avoid Rx for NSAID or Cox 2 Inhibitor in patients with Dx of Heart Failure

54. Cautious use of NSAID or Cox 2 Inhibitor in patients with Dx of Hypertension

55. Avoid Rx for Thiazolidinedione in patients with Dx of Heart Failure

56. Avoid Rx for Metformin in patients with most recent Serum Creatinine in past year (men with SCr ≥ 1.5 mg/dl and women with SCr ≥ 1.4 mg/dl)

57. Serum creatinine measured in past year in patients with Rx for any ACE Inhibitor or A II Inhibitor, Digoxin, any diuretic, or Metformin

58. Serum creatinine measured in past six months in either (patients ≥ 65 years or with CrCl < 50 ml/min) and Rx for (ACE Inhibitor or A II Inhibitor) and K Sparing diuretic

59. Most recent Potassium measurement ≥ 3.5 meq/L in patients with Rx for any thiazide and Potassium measure in past year

60. Hemoglobin measured in past year in patients with Rx for any Anti-Platelet (excluding Aspirin) or Oral Anticoagulant

61. Glucose measured in past year in patients with Rx for any Antipsychotic

62. Patients with active Rx for Warfarin with INR measured in past 45 days